UNIX Password, Roles & Node Management: R API
The R API is an application interface into the active and inactive inventory underneath Password Management. It uses HTTP as a transport and CGI as it's argument passing. It is, in essence, a CGI acting as an abstraction layer.
R is designed with a REST-style model in mind. Arguments are
obtained by examining the URL accessed; that URL will always
be canonical. For example,
will always be a
valid location, and should always return the same information.
(REST defines much more than that; see also
http://www.xfront.com/REST-Web-Services.html for more details on
R can return data in a variety of formats. It does well-formed
(but not truely valid) XML, or plain text, or HTML. It even can return
data in the output of a the Data::Dumper manpage call to Dumper()
, which makes
it very easy to re-eval
the structure back into your own namespace
(if your client is perl5, that is).
R works within the CGI framework underneath an HTTP server. It takes the URL accessed as arguments, and invokes an action handler based on the URL to process the request. The handler returns it's output to R, which then invokes an output format handler to correctly format the data and return it to the requestor.
requestor ---------- ----------- | | |---------->| action |------>{ does stuff } ^ +--------->| R | | handler | | | | | ----------- <-----------+ | | | | | ---------- <--------------+ | | | | ----------- | +------------>| output | | | format | | | handler | | ----------- | | +--------------------------------------+
The URL is key for selecting the correct action handler. R's syntax looks like this:
to R
. It's set by the pwman.r.url
property. For example, if you have an R instance on node.domain.com
, and your webserver
for this instance is running on port 80
, then your URI_PREFIX
$ GET -uUsSe http://node.domain.com/R/echo/testing+1+2+3 nodename: testing%201%202%203 $
See also the section below on Action Handlers.
up to the options. Arguments may contain any character except the semi-colon ;
. The
syntax and content of an argument depends solely on the action being called, and will likely
vary from action to action. For example, the node/
action's only argument is a nodename
(eg URI_PREFIX/node/node.domain.com
), whereas the tags/info/
action's argument is a
valid +TAG
(eg, URI_PREFIX/tags/info/CONSOLE
You can get the syntax of arguments for an action handler with the capability
$ GET http://node.domain.com/R/capability/tags/info nodename: tags/info author: $Author: jgilbertsjc $ description: given a tag name, return all known data about that tag syntax: 'URI_PREFIX/tags/info/TAGNAME', where TAGNAME is a supported tag name. version: $Id: pwman_docs_rapi.pod,v 1.2 2005/10/20 08:46:34 jgilbertsjc Exp $ $
Options take the form name=value
, and are seperated by a semi-colon ;
, as a
CGI query-string is formatted (you can also use the ampersand &
if you're old-school), as in:
In the above example, the options passed are taglist
, whose value is
, and output_format
, whose value is text/plain
All options are accepted, but it's up to the action to act on them.
There is one option that is always acted upon: output_format
. This option defines how
response data is formatted before it is returned. If an output_format
option is not
specified (or if it doesn't exist), R will default to text/plain.
See also the section below on Output Format Handlers.
R will work with requests that are submitted via GET and POST, however, data that
is encoded in via a POST method is placed into the option
listing, so you still need
to specify a valid URL to the action with arguments. This, for example, won't work:
$ POST http://node.domain.com/R/capability Please enter content (application/x-www-form-urlencoded) to be POSTed: keywords=tags/info& nodename: actions capability: Built-in handler to list capabilites for HANDLER. dns: current DNS information by node ... $
But this will:
$ POST http://node.domain.com/R/capability/tags/info Please enter content (application/x-www-form-urlencoded) to be POSTed: output_format=text/xml&
<output> <node name="tags/info"> <author>$Author: jgilbertsjc $</author> <description>given a tag name, return all known data about that tag</description> <syntax>'URI_PREFIX/tags/TAGNAME', where TAGNAME is a supported tag name.</syntax> <version>$Id: pwman_docs_rapi.pod,v 1.2 2005/10/20 08:46:34 jgilbertsjc Exp $</version> </node> </output> $
Any option that is supported by an action handler can be transferred via POSTed data.
R is ready for use as soon as Password Management is installed. However, you'll have to configure your webserver to start passing requests to it.
(Note: the only webserver configuration listed here is Apache's httpd, simply because it's the one R was written in mind for. Because R is pure CGI, there's nothing preventing it from being used by other webservers; they're not listed because Apache is pretty ubiquitous, and the author didn't have access to N webservers to test on.)
The following is the barebones of what you need to get your R instance working underneath Apache's httpd. Insert this into the appropriate <VirtualHost> directive, after changing the pathing to be whereever you installed your Password Management instance into.
RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^/R/(.*) /opt/password_management/R/R?/$1 [T=application/x-httpd-cgi] <Directory "/opt/password_management/R"> DirectoryIndex R AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory>
You can, of course, add in Auth
directives inside the <Directory> block.
There are situations (like when using R's 'remote' system) when that's
a whole-heartedly good idea.
Once you've got this working, you should change the property value of pwman.r.url to the correct value.
Any application or programming framework that can make HTTP calls and interpret the result is capable of using R. To simplify some of the work involved in perl, Password Management comes with a seperate class, called Covad::Pwman::R_Client. This object class allows you to quickly write scripts that talk to a given R instance, a la:
my $R = Covad::Pwman::R_Client->new( "http://node.domain.com/R"; ); my $node_information = $R->get_r( "node", "node01.domain.com" ); $node_information == [ { '00NODENAME' => 'node01.domain.com', 'CONSOLE' => 'async-server01.domain.com/01', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'first in a series of nodes for domain.com', }, ]; my $node_console_info = $R->get_node_tag_entry( "node01.domain.com", "CONSOLE" ); $node_console_info == "async-server01.domain.com/01"; my($invalid_response, $error_message) = $R->get_r("unsupported/handler", "unknown.node"); unless ($invalid_response) { die $error_message; }
You should check the inline POD documentation for Covad::Pwman::R_Client for more information.
R comes with a series of handlers under the remote directory. These handlers permit R instances to act as satellite Password Management instances, taking new work and Node Control File (NCF) data from an authorative ``build'' instance and transferring to nodes from themselves. Consider the following layout:
(( authorative user database )) ---------- | --> | node01 | | -------------- / ---------- ---------- +->| primary |----- x ------/ /--> | node02 | | Password |----- f ----------------------- ---------- | Management |----- e ----------------------- ---------- | instance |----- r -----\ \--> | node03 | -------------- \ ---------- ---------- | --> | node04 | | ---------- ~ disparate, remote interconnect ~ | -------------- ---------- +----> | remote |---- xfer ---> | node05 | | Password | ---------- | Management | | instance | --------------
In this scenario, a ``primary'' Password Management instance generates all required work files (/etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/sudoers, and the digest) for all five nodes. It only has the ability to transfer directly to nodes 01 through 04, however. node05 is pushed to by the ``remote'' Password Management instance. There may be several reasons for this:
Whatever the reason, the primary is unable to communicate directly with node05.
The remote Password Management instance can step in, and recieve the work files and
push them. The primary knows which R instance to talk to, because node05's
NCF has it recorded in the +REMOTE
tag. This tag contains a URL, as a scalar,
of the remote R instance that should receive the work files. When the
password_xfer.pl parses the NCF for node05, it detects the +REMOTE
and attempts to push the work files there via R.
To accomplish all this the R remote
handlers exist. They manage the acceptance
and saving of the generated /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/sudoers files,
as well as a modified NCF, and ensuring that these files are uptodate. The
password_xfer.pl script can then be automated at a fairly high frequency (once
every 10 or 30 minutes); it will detect new work files that need to be transferred,
and transfer them (while executing all the nessecary plugins for transfer, and logging
accordingly) just as if the remote instance were the primary. The handlers are:
, because there may
be a HTTP proxy inbetween the instances.
This checksum is then inserted into the NCF for the node being transferred, into the
tag - it replaces the R URL that was previously there. This signals to
the password_generator.pl on the remote Password Management instance to not
generate work files for this node, and further ensures to the password_xfer.pl
that yes, this remote instance is supposed to push this node.
Because the files are transferred via HTTP, any number of correctly configured HTTP proxies can sit inbetween the primary and the remote instances. You can also utilize SSL to encrypt the transfer (a very good idea). Additionally, you can use whatever authentication system nessecary to ensure that only authenticated instances can transfer new work files. (More work on this particular point is needed, as the current implementation of password_xfer.pl and the Covad::Pwman::R_Client modules only understand basic or digest authentication; eventually, authentication by remote could be as robust as client-side certificates or similar.)
Setting up a remote Password Management instance is identical to setting up a primary Password Management instance. However, you need to take particular care when configuring the webserver that services the R calls. Specifically:
) or to run the webserver as a seperate
Once you've got a functioning R remote instance, you'll need to configure the nodes'
NCFs to point to that instance. Start with a basic NCF, and add the R URL into the
tag, like so:
Note the lack of a trailing slash.
And that's it, really. The password_generator.pl will generate the node as normal; the password_xfer.pl will attempt to use the remote R when pushing.
The following configuration properties are used by R. You can set them via etc/pwman.properties. They're all prefixed with pwman.r..
(the node on which R was originally
as set
by the httpd server. If the two values don't match, then
R calls to remote/* will be refused (at the R level, before the
handler is dispatched but after HTTP data is accepted).
Defaults to unset.
Handlers are what make R functional. They exist as little perl5 coderefs that are
'd into place at runtime. There are two types of handlers: action
. Both handler types are called with similar arguments; all handlers
of the same type are invoked with the same arguments.
Action handlers live underneath the pwman.r.dir.actions directory. Their job is to collect or process information based on the arguments passed to them, then return the results back to R. Action handlers should not communicate directly with the client; they only work within the framework of R itself.
The simplest action is echo, which does exactly what it sounds like: returns whatever you pass it.
$ GET -uUsSe http://node.domain.com/R/echo/testing+1+2+3 nodename: testing%201%202%203 $
Or, if you prefer a little more verboseness with your examples:
$ GET -uUsSe http://node.domain.com/R/echo/testing+1+2+3 GET http://node.domain.com/R/echo/testing+1+2+3 User-Agent: lwp-request/2.06 GET http://node.domain.com/R/echo/testing+1+2+3 --> 200 OK Connection: close Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 22:15:46 GMT Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Client-Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 22:15:46 GMT Client-Peer: Client-Response-Num: 1 Client-Transfer-Encoding: chunked nodename: testing%201%202%203 $
The echo action itself is little more than this:
$handler = sub { ## simple echo test. my(%arg) = @_; if ($arg{_info}) { return ({ author => '$Author: jgilbertsjc $', description => "returns the value of the passed parameter in STRING", syntax => "'URI_PREFIX/echo/STRING'", version => '$Id: pwman_docs_rapi.pod,v 1.2 2005/10/20 08:46:34 jgilbertsjc Exp $', }); } ## endif my %er = ( status => 1, result => [ { $NODE_HEADER => $arg{params}, } ], ); return ( \%er ); }; ## endsub
Actions can exist in subdirectories that inspire functional grouping. For example, the F<node> action handlers are all prefixed with C<node/>, and live in the directory I<pwman.r.dir.actions>F</node>. If you examine it, you'll see F<invalid>, F<revisions>, F<list>, F<search>, and F<default>. The F<default> handler is what is invoked for just C<node/>. For example:
invokes pwman.r.dir.actions/node/default with node.domain.com
as an argument, which
returns basic inventory information about node.domain.com
. Alternatively,
invokes pwman.r.dir.actions/node/revisions with node.domain.com
as an argument.
You cannot invoke handlers called default via URI_PREFIX/whatever/default
All available actions are found in the pwman.r.dir.actions directory. To get this
list remotely, you can use a special, built-in handler called capability. This
handler is inline to R itself, and returns information on other handlers, including
availablity, syntax, and whatnot. Calling capability
with no arguments returns a
list of all available action
and output_format
handlers, as well as a quick
description of the handler.
$ GET http://node.domain.com/R/capability nodename: actions capability: Built-in handler to list capabilites for HANDLER. dns: current DNS information by node echo: returns the value of the passed parameter in STRING environments: returns a list of currently valid ENV environments node: returns all supported tag information for NODENAME. If 'tags' contains a valid TAGLIST, only those tags will be returned. node/invalid: returns entries who's TAGLISTING tags do not pass syntax checks or count checks ... $
Actions can be as simple or complex as you want them to be.
Output format handlers live underneath the pwman.r.dir.output_format directory. Their job is to reformat data passed from R and then return the data directly back to the client. It's the output format handler's job to set the correct outgoing MIME type, to restructure data so that it makes sense in the chosen MIME type (but not to change it), and to ensure that all the data is passed back.
A list of all active output format handlers is available with the capability/
$ GET http://node.domain.com/R/capability ... nodename: output_formats perl/struct: Output format handler - returns a Data::Dumper listref in a MIME type of 'application/x-perl' text/html: Output format handler - returns in a MIME type of 'text/html' text/plain: Output format handler - returns in a MIME type of 'text/plain' text/xml: Output format handler - returns in a MIME type of 'text/xml' $
You can use any available output format handler with any action. For example, here is the
output of URI_PREFIX/echo/yoink
passed to text/xml:
$ GET 'http://node.domain.com/R/echo/yoink;output_format=text/xml' <output> <node name="yoink"> </node> </output> $
...and as passed to text/plain:
$ GET 'http://node.domain.com/R/echo/yoink;output_format=text/plain' nodename: yoink $
...and as passed to perl/struct:
$ GET 'http://node.domain.com/R/echo/yoink;output_format=perl/struct' $VAR1 = [ { '00NODENAME' => 'yoink' } ]; $
Only the format is different; the data will always be the same.
Note that results returned in text/xml will, while well-formed, never be considered valid, because there is no DTD or XML schema associated with it. (This may change someday, to give action handlers the ability to set an xmlns or some such nonesense.)
Adding new handlers is fairly straightforward. There are a few rules specific for action handlers, and slightly different ones for output format handlers, as well as rules that apply to both groups.
perl -c ./handler_name
then you shouldn't install it. Remember that this handler is require
'd into the
main R namespace, so ensure that you include a true value at the end (mostly this
is accomplished with a '1;' at the end of the file).
my(%arg) = @_;
Each handler will be passed at least the following arguments:
), the
value of this argument will be node
, not node/default.
argument$ref = &handler( _info => 1 ); $ref = { 'author' => 'Author information (think RCS $Author: jgilbertsjc $)', 'description' => 'What this handler does, and/or notes for the syntax of the handler', 'syntax' => "'URI_PREFIX/handlername/ARGUMENTS' - syntax information (ie, "/HANDLER/PARAMS")', 'version' => 'Versioning information (think RCS $Id: pwman_docs_rapi.pod,v 1.2 2005/10/20 08:46:34 jgilbertsjc Exp $)', };
This _info block is used when a '/capability/HANDLER_NAME' is issued, and when determining whether or not to advertise this handler's functionality. It may also be used programmatically to glean how requests should be made, so it's convention to structure the syntax value thusly:
"'URI_PREFIX/handler/name/ARGUMENT', where ARGUMENT is a valid argument."
If an argument or part of an argument is a nodename, you should include the string ``NODENAME'' (yes, in all capital letters) within the first single-quoted part, as such:
"'URI_PREFIX/handler/name/NODENAME', where NODENAME is a valid node."
$ref = ( status => 1 || undef, ## 1 for success, undef for error result => $listref, ## listref of data (see L</Data Format> section below) errmsg => 'an error', ## scalar of an error message, if status is undef );
Handlers that return data in any other method will be considered 'bad', and may not be included in the list of active handlers. Note that output_format handlers may elect to not return a 'result' entity (because there's no real reason to do so), and that this is not considered an error. Note also that
return ( status => 1, result => undef );
is not an error; will produce a 200 OK
HTTP status with no data.
, and set
an appropriate message. That message (from $@) will be sent back to the client along with a
500 HTTP status code. Simply die
ing is OK, but it's a courtesy to the client to
know why they're not getting what they expected back. Something like:
die "The whizbangle won't frob the dohicky - is your constricter unlocked?\n";
should be fine. Ensure that all die
messages end in a newline, please.
An empty $@ scalar upon return of the handler will be replaced with
Unknown Error from 'handler'
This includes scenarios when your handler may (accidentally) return undef.
$listref = ( { $NODE_HEADER => 'fqdn', ## required 'TAG' => 'value', ## optional 'TAG' => 'value', ## optional }, );
...where the value for $NODE_HEADER is the fully-qualified domainname or inventory name of
the node in question; TAG is the name of the +TAG
on which we performed an operation;
value is the data for that +TAG
An optional HEADER entry may be included, for actions such as 'list' and 'invalid'. It should look like:
{ $NODE_HEADER => 'HEADER', ## required 'TAG' => 1, ## optional 'TAG' => 1, ## optional },
Note that HEADER entries must be the first element in the listref.
There are three HTML-specific directives that can be returned in addition to or in lieu of hash entries. They are:
-item _html
Raw HTML, that should remain unparsed and un-interpreted; it should be sent directly back to the client as-is.
You may have as many hashrefs entries inside of your listref as you need.
This format is valid for both action handlers (who return this data in {result}) and for output format handlers (who act on this data in {result}).
Action handlers should not use fork
, exec
, or the special fork-after-opening
mode of open
(a la open(FH, "|-")
and tags
portion of the URL that brought us here
(which is everything after the {action}
leading up to the first semi-colon ;
R, the Covad::Pwman::Properties manpage, the Covad::Pwman::R_Client manpage, the Covad::Pwman::Tags manpage,
``REST Web Services'' at http://www.xfront.com/REST-Web-Services.html,
, require
Jon Gilbert <jong@jong.org>
$Id: pwman_docs_rapi.pod,v 1.2 2005/10/20 08:46:34 jgilbertsjc Exp $